Finding your light

        Right now the world is going through one to many changes.  Sad to say that millions of people across the country are counting on a check from the man. At the rate of the way things are going; it can be anyone’s call. It’s easy to just throw your hands up and say “I’m done, I’m tired of doing this everyday”.  I hate to say it but there are a lot of people that would love to see everyday people crumble, starve, steal, beg for their basic necessities in life.  Yet still I believe in a dream that will remain all mines. I ask you that are reading this today to also stand strong on your dreams. Encourage those in your surroundings to never give up on your dreams.  That is the light that you can carry to be the best that you can be.  No one knows what’s in your heart but yours truly.

      This will be part of a 4 part series on ways that can be helpful on finding your light.

Mahalo for reading


…….still searching

For some of you that have followed by blog thank your taking the time out to read my postings and the same with this post as well. My last post was back in March and since then I have been in a complete “bloggers block”. Figuring out what direction I wanted to go was something that I was searching for. I consider myself a chameleon, I like so many different things but at the same time it’s easy for me to get bored.  Even more I’m blessed enough to live on one of the most beautiful island in the world. Even here in Hawaii it’s self could be the sole topic.  But this wont be a blog about Hawaii, but there could be some post about the island that could interest someone in hopes to visit this beautiful place.  So stay tuned for matters of the heart that concern me, interests here in Hawaii and of course my favorite thing that is like heaven: FOOD!!!


Mahalo, Crystal