
This is life, and life gets real no matter how hard we try. This blog is just a reflection of who I am, what I feel and what I want. This blog was started because writing has been my passion since I was a young girl. Over the years I have filled journals with poems, short stories and whatever else ramblings I had in my mind. Currently I live in Hawaii, and what brought me to Hawaii was being in the Navy. After six years of being here I still dont know where I want to end up. Maybe I’ll leave the island one day, but for now I’ll just enjoy my time here.

One thought on “About

  1. Very true we are prisoners when we create our mental chains that tell us “we can’t, we won’t or don’t.” When we have found personnel freedom it creates positive and endless possibilities which lie in our minds and hearts! I say follow your dream, keep blogging and sharing your thoughts with others, just maybe someone living in captivity of their own may stumble across your page. I am intrigued by those who dream and per sues vs. dream and wait.

What are your thoughts?